Cities Skylines Cargo Tutorial 🚆📦📦| Cargo Trains (Cargo Terminal)

Avatar | March 31, 2020

Welcome to this Cities Skylines Tutorial
Cargo trains will move goods more efficiently than cargo trucks. When a cargo terminal is connected to another cargo terminal or to the outside connections, trains will start automatically spawning.

Do you find it hard to move Goods and cargo around you cities in Cities Skylines?
This tutorial will help

When goods come into the cargo terminal via the tracks, they will be taken out to their final destinations by a small fleet of cargo trucks. When cargo trucks bring goods into the cargo terminal, a cargo train will spawn to take those goods to their destination, be it the outside world or another cargo terminal that is closer to the destination. Cargo terminals are traditionally used to connect industrial zones to import and export materials and goods, and because they offer a service boost to the industrial zone. However, freight stations can be placed outside large commercial zones and be used to import finished goods and bypass other road systems.
This tutorial will help you move your goods through your cities

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